Sleeps Renewal

After a day of heat, and coldness of heart,
Laying restless in bed,
The moon glowing ominously orange,
Into death I deeply drift, dreaming
I walk a worn path,
A cool breeze combs the ankle high grass,
The sun inherent
On my shoulders, my meandering
Leads to my old school,
I notice natives on a nearby knoll,
But the building binds my mind,
The lonely lobby,
The chalk dust,
And floor Wax,
Forgotten doorway beyond doorway, I totter,
Reaching the end,
A staircase,
I clamber the steps to the third floor,
To only one door, I open it slowly,
A man with white hair, he stares,
I shrug,
He sends me away,
Again, I walk the meandering path,
The ground suddenly moves, beneath my feet,
Faster and faster,
Too fast to fall, but
Strive to soar,
Fearing my failure, I triumphantly reach
Out to a tree with twisted branches,
I bow against the tree,
To rest my weary mind and body,
And consciousness returns.

By David Semans


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