...through the Trees
The cold north wind
Whips, the naked
Finger-like braches.
To the root,
The trees frisson
Through the wind.
A ray of hope,
As the sun advances
Higher in the sky;
And the trees
Sense life tingling
From within, as
Insects wriggle among
The amorous arbor.
With lifeblood flowing,
The trees
Create new life,
To cover
Their nakedness.
A warm breeze
Soothes the trees,
As they cleanse the air
And create shelter
For the eagles
In the sky.
Soon, the sun falls
From its highness,
In the sky,
And the air turns
Cold again.
The trees display
Vivid colors
Derived from
The suns energy,
Begging more warmth.
Soon, though,
The nakedness
Of the trees
Is exposed.
Insects embark
On a journey of
From the cold
North wind,
And the trees stand tall
In their nakedness
By David Semans
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David Semans © 2003